The Tomb That Disappeared (2)

The map was genuine, and the Dark Emperor's tomb could not be fake. So why were they not able to find it?

There was something really wrong there.

"Don't get too anxious yet. Everyone take a breather and slowly think it through." Upon seeing all the negativity shrouding her companions, Rong Ruo immediately spoke up. They had been thoroughly exhausted making it through the entire way here and their minds and bodies are not severely wearied, hence, all of them would not be able to maintain a completely logical state of mind at that moment. But, they must not get themselves overly frustrated.

"Let's all have some rest then. Dumb Qiao, pass me your water skin, I emptied mine earlier and I'm almost dying of thirst." Fei Yan parroted, plopping his rear upon the sea of flowers and stretching his hand out to catch the water skin Qiao Chu tossed over before lifting his back to pour the water down his throat.