Robbery (2)

[Translator Note from Misty Cloud Translations: Please note. Gory descriptions in this chapter.] 

Chapter 1391: "Robbery (2)"

Qiao Chu's eyes bulged with incredulity as he stared in disbelief.

"They couldn't be thinking of….. robbing us would they?"

Hua Yao calmly stared at the group of men and said: "I think you are right."

"Har?" Qiao Chu was stunned. Towards the situation before their eyes, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked on with sympathy at the group of men whom a bigger part of them were skinny from hunger and stared at the rough "weapons" they held in their hands.

A faint smile hung at the corners of Jun Wu Yao's lips as he looked at the cold faced Jun Wu Xie. Such a trifling matter was beneath his attention.