Stick Your Face Out (5)

The black clothed man shot like a arrow and struck the ground heavily, creating a wide and deep hole in the earth as copious amounts of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Luo Xi was flabbergasted with terror by the scene before his eyes and he fell back onto the ground with a crash, unable to believe everything that was happening.

The revered one had been defeated….. defeated by a youth…..

How was that possible! ?

The absolute belief in his heart had crumbled in an instant and Luo Xi's face was ashen as his teeth chattered helplessly.

That battle was not one that the average person was able to see clearly and everyone had only seen streaks of Purple Spirit light flash. Even till the battle ended, many of the people still had not recovered from their shock.

The gazes of the refugees then fell at the same time upon Jun Wu Xie.