Spirit Jade Palace Lord (2)

All the ladies were still muttering in worried whispers as that low and lazy voice sounded from the back of the hall once again.

"Having a friend come from afar, is always a great joy here. But what I do not understand, is why this guest of ours would want to use such underhanded tricks upon a disciple of my Spirit Jade Palace!"

That voice was low and languid, completely unlike a clear grace that would be present in a woman's voice.

When those words fell onto the ground, the light gauze that shrouded the interior of the hall were briefly stirred up by a slight breeze. Upon the raised platform at the back of the palatial hall, was a long cushy couch. A man dressed in pink clothes was reclined upon that couch, his head resting upon a hand, his eyes staring fixedly upon Jun Wu Xie.

The Lord of the Spirit Jade Palace was actually a man…..

Jun Wu Xie was properly shocked by that revelation placed before her eyes.