Little Fella’s Not Bad (1)

"Senior….. Your choice of words….." Tian Ze had already become used to Su Ya's contemptuous attitude towards him and he scratched at his head as he said a little awkwardly: "I truly do not possess the kind of gift that Senior possesses and I have been stupid from young or how would you be my Senior while I remain your junior."

Su Ya snorted derisively still not satisfied.

Seeing that Su Ya's attitude had improved a little, Tian Ze immediately slid over closer to bring a jar of fine wine he had prepared earlier right before Su Ya.

"This is fine wine that I just brought up the mountain and I'll couldn't even bear to take a single sip. I know that Senior loves wine so I brought it over here for you."

Su Ya cast a quick glance at the wine jar and she then reached a hand out to take it.