Let’s Have a Good Game (5)

If Lin Hao Yu could make Gu Xin Yan stay away from Jun Wu Xie, why would he make himself stay behind to tell Jun Wu all that he said? Jun Wu's words had struck a raw nerve which made him grit his teeth tight but was still helpless to do anything about it.

After Gu Xin Yan had seen what Jun Wu's Spirit Reinforcement could do, how could she ever want to give up on wanting to win the kid over to the Blood Fiend Palace?

Lin Hao Yu was almost going to vomit out blood from the rage surging within him.

But that was just merely the very beginning.

After Jun Wu Xie got back to her room, she summoned Ye Sha and Ye Gu.

"Young Miss." The two men knelt before Jun Wu Xie. Lord Meh Meh and the Sacrificial Blood Rabbit who were held within the two men's arms immediately took that opportunity to jump out, scuttling at great speed to go right beside Jun Wu Xie's feet to put on their more adorable looks to seek hugs from Jun Wu Xie.