Guests from the Blood Fiend Palace (4)

Tian Ze furrowed his brows slightly but did not say much as he turned to walked inside the academy. At the moment Tian Ze turned around, Gu Ying turned the corners of his mouth up slightly, curling his lips up into a sinister smile.

[Cloudy Brook Academy. He's back again.]

Tian Ze led Gu Ying right up to the door of the room that Gu Xin Yan was in, never taken a step away from Gu Ying's side. It wasn't that he did not want to, but it was because he could not afford to. He could not be sure that the moment that he walked away, Gu Ying would not stir up an incident within the academy.

"This is Gu Xin Yan's room." Tian Ze said coldly before the door.

Gu Ying said with a beaming smile. "I've troubled you."

Tian Ze still did not show any signs of warming up.

Gu Ying was not affected as he raised up a hand to knock on the door.

There wasn't a single sound from inside the room as Gu Ying and Tian Ze waited outside the door.