Dangers Under the Dark Night (9)

"Haiz, although this old man would really have liked to receive our "guests" from afar properly, but all of you had to insist on bullying this old man's disciple. With that, this old man would not be so friendly to talk to anymore." The little old man said with a sigh, like he regretted the circumstances very much.

[He dared to call his Little Ya a slut?]

[This entire group of people, no longer had any reason to live anymore.

On that night, a bloody massacre commenced quietly. There was no intense battle, and there wasn't any clashing of spirit powers. Those dark robed men merely saw with their own eyes the little old man slowly take a step forward, and the hunchbacked figure shimmered slightly before their eyes. When that shimmering figure disappeared from sight, they all suddenly felt an aura so powerful they were finding it hard to breathe shrouding every single one of their hearts.