Mischievous Old Man (1)

That night's bloody battle, had not seemed to have left any mark on the Cloudy Brook Academy. Besides knowing that Lin Hao Yu had lost his mind, their people did not know of anything else. After a period of heated debate, the youths then all fell back into their regular pace of life in there, continuing to learn and cultivate, working towards their goal.

And Jun Wu Xie cultivated as she had been doing at the Spirit Mastery faculty, receiving instruction from Su Ya.

Su Ya's emotional state seemed to be a little distraught, her person having been a little more indolent. Although she still drank herself tipsy every day, but she spoke quite a lot less, most of time contented enough to hole herself up within the wine cellar to nap instead.

Jun Wu Xie did not dare to ask her about it and could just proceed with her cultivation on her own.