Mischievous Old Man (3)

Being praised to the skies with such impudicity, Jun Wu Xie really wasn't too used to it.

But the little old man really wasn't bothered whether Jun Wu Xie was used to it or not, looking like he was unwilling to let the elderly man take another glance at Jun Wu by standing right before the kid to block the elderly man. But as he was born short and cursed with his little stature, even when he stood before the tiny Jun Wu, his head merely reached the tip of Jun Wu's nose…..

Jun Wu Xie's line of sight remained completely unhindered.

"Why are you being so agitated for? Don't tell me you are afraid that I will snatch Little Ya's disciple?" The elderly old man laughed rather helplessly against the little old man's nervousness.

The little old man said: "If you dare to snatch him, Little Ya will surely pull your beard off. See if you still dare to do it."