Heart Breaking Parting (6)

The Cloudy Brook Academy's decision was known by the Twelve Palaces and the Nine Temples earlier and they could not enter Mount Fu Yao so they could only remain at the foot of the mountain to wait to pick up their disciples and bring them back.

Qiao Chu and the other companions each found their own way to slip away from the crowd where they gathered to meet with Jun Wu Xie within the thick woods.

It was already winter and there was a flurry of snow, a white blanket covering over the evergreen trees, wrapping everything in silver and white.

"We're finally out." Qiao Chu lamented as he stretched his limbs. Under the cover of the tree's leaves, there wasn't a single snowflake upon his body as he looked smilingly at Hua Yao and the others standing around him.

This would be the last time they gathered before going to the Twelve Palaces.