Aren’t You Giving Me a Hug (3)?

"Aren't you going to give me a hug?" Standing within the sea of flowers, Jun Wu Yao held his arms open, the corners of his mouth lifted in an indulgent smile, his handsome face within such a dreamy scene seemingly as unreal as a dream.

Jun Wu Xie stood frozen in her spot for a moment, still having not recovered her senses as she stared at that familiar contenance. She then slowly lifted one foot, her step snail paced, treading lightly within the sea of flowers to stir up a whirl of falling lotus petals.

Step by step, her pace gradually increased, every lift of her foot kicking up another swirl of flying petals, all faintly aglow as they trailed her hurrying steps, to stir up a flowery rain.

Ripples of red surged forward together with Jun Wu Xie, within the snow white field, as the lotuses bloomed a beautiful pink.