Rascally Rogue (2)

The moment his voice dropped, the window that had just been shut was suddenly opened and a small tiny appeared outside the window.

"Squeak….." The rotund Hell Rodent was struggling to pull itself up onto the window ledge, its round eyes looking at Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao.

The Hell Rodent, Ye Jie's Ring Spirit.

Jun Wu Xie felt a twitch forming at the corner of her mouth. Ye Gu who had not transformed into Ye Jie at all throughout the entire period he had been following her had now suddenly handed over the control of the body to his younger sister in an instant. It was obvious that it was done to help fulfil Jun Wu Yao's "wish".

Looking into Ye Jie's large naive eyes, Jun Wu Xie really could not make herself dump the little girl into Yue Yi's room.

"You're dismissed." Jun Wu Yao said as he looked at Ye Jie in satisfaction, his hand raised up to wave her away.

Ye Jie immediately carried the Hell Rodent and closed the window shut.