Doubts (1)

It was early the next morning when Yue Yi regained his consciousness. Ye Mei who had remained in the room in watch the entire night silently left the room in the instant Yue Yi opened his eyes.

Yue Yi opened his still highly sore eyes painfully to see an empty room, and then trying to move a single finger which gave him so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat.

The room's door opened at that moment and Zi Jin came in carrying clear hot tea. The moment she came she into the room, she saw Yue Yi who was lying upon the bed looking at her with his eyes open and her face immediately broke into a brilliant smile.

"You're awake!" Zi Jin hurriedly put the clear tea she held in her hands onto the table and walked over to the bed to check on Yue Yi's condition.

Yue Yi wanted to nod his head but found that he could not move. He opened his mouth wanting to say something but his highly parched throat could only make raspy grunts.