Encountering a Nasty Dog (2)

An ominous premonition rose within Zi Jin's heart as she stared in terror at Zhuge Yin.

Zhuge Yin laughed sinisterly and a hand suddenly felt Zi Jin on her slim waist.

"The wretched wench's body is rather good. A pity the looks on this face of hers puts me off." Zhuge Yin seemed to be trying to torment Zi Jin's mind, his hand slowly roving over Zi Jin's hips.

Like a viper that was slithering over her body, Zi Jin's entire body felt absolutely disgusted. She fought to try to break free, but was unable to overcome the strength of the youths holding her down, unable to do anything but be subjected to the torment.

"Aren't you very good at bringing in help? Go bring help now would you? I would really like to see what that brat would say if he comes here. Would it be the same as yesterday, to casually dump you, leaving you to be dealt with as I wish? Haha!" Zhuge Yin said maliciously.