Sinners Must Not Live (5)

And who could have ever imagined that this was all stirred up by Jun Wu's hand alone?

The Spirit Jade Palace Lord could not be any more convinced and he had to completely take his hat off to Jun Wu.

Jun Wu Xie did not show any sign of joy as the Spirit Jade Palace Lord's praise did not make her feel that there was anything to be happy about, but instead…..

"Since we're allies, then let me gift another sentence to you today." Jun Wu Xie said.

"Please speak." The Spirit Jade Palace Lord replied.

"Be careful of the Blood Fiend Palace. Gu Ying already knows that Zi Jin is from the Spirit Jade Palace." Jun Wu Xie threw that one statement highly indifferently, not willing to remain in the Spirit Jade Palace another moment. The Spirit Jade Palace Lord was very intelligent and was able to grasp the situation. He had not mentioned a thing about Zi Jin's punishment and Jun Wu Xie could sense he could not bear to do it.