Belief (1)

Jun Wu Xie sat within the cell, the surrounding dark and dank. An occasional sob or curse would drift out from the other cells, their voices both male and female, but all filled with despair and aggrievement.

Those voices swam around Jun Wu Xie's ears, and she just sat there quietly, looking like she had nothing to do with this place of despair at all.

"For how long do you intend to remain in this place?" A languid sounding voice quietly sounded from outside the jail cell.

Jun Wu Xie lifted her head to look at Jun Wu Yao standing outside. He had his arms folded across his chest, as he leaned against the old and worn wooden pillar, his head tilted as he looked at Jun Wu Xie separated from him behind the jail bars.

"When I destroy this place, I will go." Jun Wu Xie answered expressionlessly.

Jun Wu Yao lifted his eyebrow slightly, as he looked around at the filthy and broken down dungeon, the disdain in his eyes couldn't be anymore obvious.