Taken Ill (1)

In the Shadow Moon Palace Lord's sleeping chambers, a heart tearing coughing reverberated within the vast chambers as the slight scent of blood tinged the air.

"My Lord!" Elder Yue came rushing inside, led by a disciple, his heart turning cold a notch when he saw the scene within the palatial chambers.

The Shadow Moon Palace Lord was lying upon the bed and coughing very hard, the water within the bronze basin placed by the bed already stained the colour of blood, and more blood stains dotted the floor as well, a highly shocking sight to look upon. 

The Shadow Moon Palace's physicians were all watching over the Palace Lord at the side, their faces nervous and anxious. Besides the sound of that vehement hacking cough, no other sound could be heard in the palatial chambers.

"My Lord, what happened to you?" Elder Yue went forward anxiously.