Taken Ill (3)

Over that night, the Shadow Moon Palace Lord's condition did not show any improvement and the big group of physicians stood watch within the sleeping chambers throughout the night, not daring to take a single step away. The various Shadow Moon Palace's Elders heard the news and came rushing in, similarly keeping watch within the sleeping chambers as well.

That night, the entire group of people who held great power and high authourity within the Shadow Moon Palace could not sleep soundly.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Jun Wu Xie was enjoying a sound and restful sleep.

Till a slight slight sound rang out, and Jun Wu Xie who had been leaning her back against the wall to rest opened her eyes within the dim candlelight.

"Young Miss." It was not known from when that Ye Sha came into the dungeon.

"Hm?" Jun Wu Xie stretched her neck a little, as she sat herself up.