Stretch Your Face Over (5)

"What kind of a present?" The Shadow Moon Palace Lord asked a little curiously.

Yue Ye pulled out a brocade box from her robes. At the moment when Elder Yue saw that brocade box, he cried inwardly in horror, wanting to stop her but she did not dare to act rashly.

Yue Ye opened the brocade box. In that brocade box, was a nauseating piece of flesh that was beginning to rot!

And the stench of rotting flesh immediately spread into the air within the palace hall!

"What is that?" The Shadow Moon Palace Lord asked as he pinched his nose.

Yue Ye looked straight into the Palace Lord's eyes.

"Flesh over the heart. Flesh over my Big Brother, Yue Yi's heart!"

"What! ?" The Shadow Moon Palace Lord's eyes widened with incredulity.