Resounding Face Slap (3)

Elder Yue was slightly taken aback.

"Forest Moon Pavilion." Jun Wu Xie suddenly spat out those three highly chilling words from behind Elder Yue.

Impossible! You cannot possibly have found Yue Yi!" Cold sweat broke out from Elder Yue as he turned to look at Jun Wu Xie, his face in utter disbelief.

Jun Wu Xie instead continued to say unhurriedly: "You were very clever. Knowing that the Forest Moon Pavilion is where the previous generations of the Shadow Moon Palace Lords are reverently worshipped and prayed to, and only on days where memorial prayers are held, would the Shadow Moon Palace Lord lead the Elders to the Forest Moon Pavilion to pray to the ancestors, with the place not allowing any disciple to set foot inside on any other day. You thought that hiding Yue Yi in the Forest Moon Pavilion would then make it difficult for anyone to find him. Unfortunately….. I still managed to do it."