Rumblings of Disorder (2)

Ye Sha was still suffering from the remnant quakes from shock when he saw Ye Gu who was standing at the side suddenly turn around to leave, and the direction that he was leaving towards immediately made Ye Sha's scalp crawl!

Ye Sha quickly pounced like a tiger onto Ye Gu's thigh!

"Boss! Where are you going? !"

"Kill Yue Yi." Ye Gu said calmly with a stern face.

"….." Ye Sha shivered from the chill that shot through him.

"That wouldn't really be good would it? Yue Yi is afterall Young Miss' ally." [The bossman is going to slaughter him now, does the Young Miss even know about it?]

Ye Gu creased up his brows as he looked at Ye Sha to say: "Anyone who dares to compete with Lord Jue must die."

As the Dark Regime's Commander in Chief, shouldering the Dark Emperor's woes was the most basic responsibility.

Ye Sha was almost about to weep!