Iron Blood Divine Army (1)

The days passed one by one and Elder Ying continued to try to interact with Yue Ye. However, responses were few and far between as Yue Ye was always avoiding him.

Even Yue Yi was helpless with that.

Jun Wu Xie on the other hand, was often pestered by Yue Ye.

Half a month's time went by in a blink and Elder Ying's mind kept going back to the conversation he heard between Ye Sha and Jun Wu Xie.

Counting the days, it was almost time but there was still no sign of any activity.

It was not till the fifteenth day's evening that Elder Ying was becoming a little restless and fearing that he might have missed something, he ran straight to the main gates of the Shadow Moon Palace and stood there, his head lifted with an expectant gaze to peer in the direction towards the setting sun.