The Twelve Palaces’ Summit (2)

"You're really just useless trash. You've actually gone and stir up so much trouble and caused the Blood Fiend Palace to suffer such great losses. Is this all that you're capable of?" Gu Yi said as he looked at Gu Ying with contempt, the venom in his eyes not looking anything like what a benevolent father should have.

Gu Ying stood silently in his spot, not saying a word.

"Because of the trouble you have wrought, you had caused me to come owe the Flame Demons Palace a big favour for nothing, you should just be damned." Gu Yi became angry the more he thought about it. The Dragon Slayers Palace held a rather good level of might, inferior only to the Flame Demons Palace and the Blood Fiend Palace and they had always sought to ally with the Blood Fiend Palace, with Gu Yi feeling that it was almost a given that they would. Never had he thought that such a big incident would break out in the Pure Grace Palace.