Explosive Face Slap (5)

Jun Wu Xie's words stumped everyone present at the summit speechless.

"Women with such a nasty character are hard to get along with. With the Shadow Moon Palace handed to such an ignorant little girl like you, it will be finished sooner or later." The All Life Palace Lord's face was flushed red with indignation. If the things that Jun Wu Xie had said had been heard by any of their palace disciples, who in the devil would know what kind of effects that would have brought.

"No need for sooner or later. It's already finished." Jun Wu Xie's lips suddenly curled up into a brilliant smile, as she slowly got up from her chair to stand up.

Everyone looked at Jun Wu Xie in puzzlement. They really could not fathom what this beautiful little young lady was thinking at all. Just what kind of a Palace Lord would curse their own palace to be finished like this?

Has she gone mad?