Explosive Face Slap (8)

Everything that he had done before, all that the Dragon Slayers Palace had sacrificed, and he had just been a puppet all along, manipulated by the unseen strings Jun Wu Xie and Fei Yan pulled. 

The mighty Dragon Slayers Palace of the Twelve Palaces had actually been toyed within the palms of two youths not even twenty years of age! Such humiliation, was something the Dragon Slayers Palace Lord had never encountered before throughout his entire life!

"Give me back my son's life! !" The Dragon Slayers Palace Lord let out an explosive yell, suddenly charging at Jun Wu Xie. His eyes were blood red, seeking only to slaughter the killer who murdered his son.

Jun Wu Xie stood unmoving in her spot, looking coldly at the Dragon Slayers Palace Lord who was charging straight at her.