Spirit World One Day Tour (5)

Hearing that, Jun Wu Xie was then willing to sit down for a chat. She did not care for anything else. What she cared for most now was how to cultivate and make herself become stronger. Although Jun Wu Yao knew a bit about the ways to cultivate, but he had never turned into a spirit body to cultivate before and what he knew would not be as thorough as what a real spirit body knew.

Nalan Shan invited Jun Wu Xie and her companions to sit with him at his table and when he saw Poppy behind Jun Wu Xie, his face showed a moment of surprise.

"Poppy, why have you returned as well?" If he remembered correctly, hadn't Poppy left some time before as well?

Poppy smiled and said: "My Master passed on, so….."

There was no need for Poppy to complete the rest of his sentence and Nalan Shan already understood.