Overlapping Slaps (7)

"Arrrgh!" Meng Yi Liang's mournful cry reverberated in the Tranquil Dream Forest. The combo bashing of the two massive Beast Ring Spirits made Meng Yi Liang experience what it meant to suffer a fate worse than death.

In just a few short moments, Meng Yi Liang's face was so badly bashed up it swelled up till it looked like a pig's head, with snot and tears flowing down, looking highly wretched.

"Don't….. Don't hit me anymore….. I'll talk….. I'll talk….." Meng Yi Liang had never been beaten up so badly before and the excruciating pain on his body with the fear that filled him made him wail incessantly.

Jun Wu Xie raised up her hand slightly and Rolly and the Great Ape immediately stopped.

Meng Yi Liang looked so pitiful and was such a wretched sight, in no way showing the slightest hint of handsomeness.