Chaos in the Spirit World (6)

"I believe, that all of you here have a certain understanding about the Serene Spirit Towers already, and you should be able to judge whether there is truth in what I am saying." Wu Jiu said.

Flame Dragon and the others naturally knew that what Wu Jiu had said was the truth, but they had not thought that Wu Jiu would so readily admit the harm the Serene Spirit Towers could bring to the other spirit races. Such candidness was completely unlike Wu Jiu's personality.

With such an attitude, it only made Flame Dragon and the others even more wary.

Wu Jiu seemed to have felt the bias Flame Dragon and the others were feeling against him and he went on to say helplessly: "For sure, I, Wu Jiu, am not considered to be all that good a person, and am not someone so benevolent that would give up the Serene Spirit Tower just like that. Let me be honest here then. Building this fourth Serene Spirit Tower was not my idea but the Spirit Lord's."