Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (17)

"Quickly bring the Spiritual Bear away." Wu Jiu said coldly. Several human spirits immediately wheeled the metal cage walking towards the back. Brownie who was imprisoned in that metal cage was charging against the solid cage continuously but the Soul Binding Chains had sealed its power of the spirit and mere brute strength was not going to be able to break out of those restraints!

"Roar!" Brownie had both its paws stretched out through the bars of the metal cage, the direction those paws were reaching out to was towards the weakened Nalan Shan who had fallen to the ground, whose half opened eyes had lost the light shining in them from before, reflecting the image of Brownie gradually becoming more distant in them…..

After Jun Wu Xie sliced up Jiang Yun Long, she immediately charged at Wu Jiu. Wu Jiu seemed to be prepared as power of the spirit flared out in a surge from his entire body, meeting Jun Wu Xie's charge straight on with a great leap!