Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (20)

Rong Ruo's brows knitted up.

Suddenly, a black shadow came hurtling down from the skies, to crash heavily right into the midst of the opposing Beast Spirits and human spirits!

In the instant that that black shadow fell, it kicked up an enormous cloud of dust. When the dust cloud finally dissipated, the appearance of that black shadow was then revealed to everyone.

That one look however caused everyone to be properly stunned.

Lying there in a heap was not anybody else but the haughty, high and mighty Wu Jiu!

A silvery figure then descended right after. Under everyone's speechless flabbergasted gaze, the silver figure landed right beside Wu Jiu, the magnificent figure of Jun Wu Xie clad in Selvan's Armour.

Jun Wu Xie looked at the stunned human spirit reinforcements and she suddenly pressed the light sword she held in her hand against Wu Jiu's neck.