The Hero Saves the Damsel (2)

"That's right. Why not….. you cajole and wheedle a little for me to spare you?" Jun Wu Yao said with an absolutely roguish augh.

Jun Wu Xie glanced up at him and then said indifferently: "No need."

Her voice had just fallen when her arm hooked around Jun Wu Yao's neck and pulled his head down hard, as she pushed herself up on her toes to plant a great kiss onto his lips.


Against Jun Wu Xie's brash and unrestrained self that appeared out of the blue from time to time, Jun Wu Yao gradually went from flabbergasted shock to it gradually becoming diminished surprise….. If Ye Mei and his gang were here to see Jun Wu Yao in that state, they would have been speechless.

"Is that enough?" Jun Wu Xie nonchalantly pulled away from Jun Wu Yao slightly, the bright sparkling eyes reflecting his face in them.

Which was still slightly tinged with pink…..

"Cough….." A cough suddenly sounded.