Blood Sacrifice of the Three Realms (2)

With the matter in the Spirit World settled, Qiao Chu and the others were finally able to continue their cultivation with any worries. Brownie was always ignoring the Beast Spirits' incessant pursuit and interception, doggedly running off to mix around with Nalan Shan, causing countless Beast Spirits to want to cry but no tears came out, feeling that their very own Spiritual Bear had been snatched away from them.

But Jun Wu Xie's heart did not fall back into peaceful calm. Having been in the Spirit World for so long and after Little Lotus and Poppy had searched for so long, she still had not managed to locate any sign of her father, Jun Gu, giving her no choice but to go seek the Spirit Lord's help.

The Spirit Lord was the Spirit World's creator and his perceptive senses encompassed the entire Spirit World. If he chose to, he would be able to find any single spirit he wanted to seek.