Sudden Calamity Out of Nowhere (1)

The fresh drop of blood went into his mouth, and the person lying on the bed did not move at all. Jun Wu Xie watched the man intently, not taking a single step away. As the man's injuries had been too severe, to the extent that she was unable to find any signs of familiarity from his features, as his face had been disfigured so completely that no one would be able to recognise him and Jun Wu Xie had through the process of saving him discovered that not only had there been countless wounds on the surface, even his throat had been badly hurt, where it must have felt like it had been burnt by fire, contorting his voice.

Suddenly, the eyelids of the man lying upon the bed moved. Although it was slight, but it made Jun Wu Xie stand up from her chair, her gaze not moving away from him the slightest inch.