Long Time No See (1)

In the Cloudy Brook Academy, every blade of grass and wood she was once familiar with was still there, but the many faces that she knew from before were no longer there. Upon the academy's wide main avenue, several teams of people were carrying torches while they patrolled. The closer it was to the peak, the denser the number of patrols were. And within the Cloudy Brook Academy itself, there were a guard post every ten steps, the entire place tightly guarded. If not for the fact that Jun Wu Xie used powers almost comparable to that of a Gold Spirit, it was feared that she would have exposed her location the moment she got close to the Cloudy Brook Academy.

Jun Wu Xie passed fleetingly through the darkness without anyone noticing anything. She wasn't blindly searching aimlessly around the academy but was carefully observing every bit of movement in there.