A period of years(4)

There was a small cave hidden behind that waterfall and when that young man entered, there were seven to eight other young men who were similar in age to him. They were also dressed in tattered clothes, their faces all dusty and dirty. However, they all had an undaunting gaze that were sharp like blades. Amongst them, there was an elegant man dressed in blue with his hands behind his back. The moment that young man saw him, he immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Master Gu."

That man standing right before them was none other than Zephyr Academy's Gu Li Sheng, the creator of the Spirit Healing Technique.

The person who was supposed to be in the Lower Realm had mysteriously appeared in the Middle Realm.

Although five years had passed, yet there time did not leave any traces on his face, he only looked slightly more mature and his gentle face now had more fortitude to it. He looked at the people knelt before him before he gave a slight nod in acknowledgment.