A period of years(9)

A thunderous explosion echoed throughout the vast wilderness as scorching hot waves swept out with the explosion. Countless rubble rained down as the people around started to cry out in fear as they escaped. Clouds of dust swirled up as chaos ensued. Those black robed men left as quickly as they came.

"Wait..." The young man from the Rui Lin Army could only watch helplessly as he saw them leave at an alarming speed. By the time the words left his mouth, they had already left and he could only watch their departing backs in a daze. His heart started thumping fervently.

"Big brother, who are they?" That youth shrank back in fear, he thought that the guards were extremely strong but he did not expect that they could not even bear the assault from mere dozens of people. In just five minutes, they had all been annihilated. The strength of those black robed men had already exceeded their cognition. Even Gold Spirits could be slaughtered so casually.