Having the Taste of One's Medicine(5)

"I don't know why but I've always felt that the exposure of the Night Regime's route doesn't seem quite right." Fan Zhuo narrowed his eyes as he said in contemplation. He had always been one with an acute mind and after hearing the news of the raid this time round, he had always felt that the negligence of the Night Regime seems to be somewhat abnormal.

He did not believe that with their strength that could easily kill a Gold Spirit in seconds would 'accidentally' let one go. Moreover, to actually expose their next target so 'inevitably' to the opponent.

All these...

Seemed too much to be a coincidence. He always thought that this time round, it was as if someone had once used this method to deal with an opponent.

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. 

This style looked too similar to that person's!