Washing the Nine Temples with Blood (8)

Jun Wu Xie's voice was cold like ice and sounded like a death knell.

Da Han who had crumbled back onto the ground was sweating buckets. He could not get up and could only stare hatefully at Jun Wu Xie with a pair of red eyes.

"You damned bitch! Who do you think you are! How dare you talk to Master Nangong like this! Do you think that you alone can flip the sky? Let me tell you bitch! You will die very miserably, very... ah ah ahhhhh!" Before Da Han could finish his swearing words, Jun Wu Xie figure appeared before him like a ghost. A light sword appeared in her hand as she casually slashed it across his left palm.

A blood curdling scream rang out and it completely covered up all the swearing from before.