Washing the Nine Temples with Blood(12)

The Lower Realm!

The Lower Realm! !

Nangong Lie's footsteps became flustered and he fell directly on to the chilly floor. He looked at Jun Wu Xie stunned with his mouth wide open. With Jun Wu Xie's strength, she didn't have to lie, but...

The Lower Realm...

At this moment, Nangong Lie's heart felt as if it was burning in flames. What was the Lower Realm?

For the people of the Upper Realm, the Lower Realm was a wild land where even the Middle Realm could not be compared to. If the Middle Realm was already an inferior piece of desolate land in the eyes of the Upper Realm, then the Lower Realm was a garbage dump. A wasteland where even a group of wastes that had difficulty climbing to the realm of the Purple Spirit that could not even be held in comparison to the Middle Realm….

Jun Wu Xie...was actually a person of the Lower Realm?