I am back (2)

"Even if you want to tear a hole in the sky, you have to tell us that you are well and that us know your situation. Even if the sky collapses, Lin Palace is your home.You are forever our Lin Palace's child..." Jun Xian's hands hung heavily from the side of the table, he looked as if he was venting all the worry that had piled up over the years.

Jun Wu Xie held her breath, not daring to speak, she was afraid that the moment she opened her mouth, she would not be able to control herself from all that she had kept bottled up within all these years.

She could be strong, she could be fearless, she could never fall ... Even if they parted forever, she could go on with that last thread of hope...


The only thing that she could not face was the warmth of her loved ones. She was afraid that even if she only had a glance, her strong will would be crushed.