I am back (4)

Maybe it was because they were worried about Jun Wu Xie who had travelled for days, they didn't want to disturb her that much. They just let some of the younger ones let it all out and let them cry all they wanted when they faced her. Yue Ye was crying so much that she was almost out of breath while Little Jue, who was affected by Yue Ye, was also whimpering. At last, Jun Qing was the one who finally coaxed them into taking a rest in their rooms located at the backyard. They finally stopped crying after he promised them that they were still going to meet Jun Wu Xie the next day.

Even so, Yue Ye and Little Jue each tore out a piece of cloth from Jun Wu Xie's sleeves and carried the cloths in their arms like they were some kind of treasure. At that moment, Jun Qing was not sure if he should laugh or cry upon their act.

Both of them… sure had the hearts of kids inside them.