Insidious Trap (3)

Jun Wu Xie did not speak, but raised her right hand instead and gently slid across her chest and strangely, it separated the black cat from her soul.

The little black cat that was about the size of a person's palm fell on to her hands and there seemed to be something in its mouth. It suddenly opened its mouth wide and spat out a dark red sphere that was the size of a fingernail onto her palm.

Jun Wu Xie picked up the little red ball and passed it to the Spirit Lord.

The Spirit Lord was astonished as he looked back at the little black cat that sat on Jun Wu Xie's palm. He had seen this black cat before, back then when Jun Wu Xie was in the Spirit World. At first, he thought that the black cat was a beast spirit, but now…. it doesn't seem like that. Any ring spirit who was attached to the soul of a person would be easily noticed by him. But strangely, before the black cat appeared, he did not even sense the presence of any other souls apart from her.