Beat Them to Death (3)

Not to mention that the amount of huge monsters from the Heaven's End Cliff was unimaginably large!

Furthermore, the destructive power of a large creature like that would be increasing several more times when it was placed in a crowded place. Regardless of how much damage those huge monsters were able to bring to the troops of the Upper Realm, just them collectively making troubles here and there would be enough for them to be a real fuss to the Upper Realm!

Hua Yao's words had made all of them to draw a cold breath at the moment. Everyone was looking at Jun Wu Xie with an astonished stare.

Jun Wu Xie had already gotten everything ready. The moment the army of the Upper Realm stepped into the Lower Realm, the battle had already begun!

"How… is the power of those huge monsters?" Jun Qing pressed his hand on his chest. The things that had done by Jun Wu Xie were complete obscurities since he didn't hear anything, even a bit, about it.