I Want To Get Married (2)

A loud bang sounded!

Jun Wu Yao sprang up from his chair as he stood frozen solid at the spot. That pair of gorgeous purple eyes widen for the very first time.

Jun Qing's chin dropped to the floor.

Qiao Chu was so shocked that he fell off his chair!


This was too explosive!

Did they not just return from the battlefield? They haven't even managed to clean off the blood splatters on their bodies, so how did… the topic of marriage come up?!

"Little…" For the first time, a tremble was detected in Jun Wu Yao's voice. He looked at Jun Wu Xie unbelievably, as emotions in those purple eyes churned like the turbulent waves, and his heart seemed to want to jump out of his throat in an instant.

"Are you willing to marry me or not?" Asked Jun Wu Xie in a straight forward manner, without registering the shock in Jun Wu Yao.