He Who Gives No Thought To Far-flung Problems Soon Finds Suffering Nearby (3)

"Yeah. Sister-in-law said that she wanted to make you a wedding dress. At first, we thought that it might be too early for her to do so but who would know…" Subconsciously, the speaking tone of Jun Qing went down and intensified. During that year, Jun Wu Xie's mother was badly injured while Jun Gu was far away from home, busy involving himself in the military expedition. But they didn't know that the farewell this time was their very last goodbye to each other. Neglecting the fact that she wasn't fully recovered yet, Jun Wu Xie's mother began to prepare various clothes for her daughter when she was going through postnatal care. There were all kinds of clothes, from clothes for a kid to clothes for an adult, even the wedding dress was well prepared.

At that time, she might have noticed that there wasn't much time left for her.