Relapse (4)

Ye Jie served Jun Wu Xie on changing her clothes. The sequelae brought by the pain during the relapse had slowly subsided.

It was already late morning, Jun Wu Xie had been staying in the room for quite a while but there was no sign of Jun Wu Yao coming back, causing her to be a little curious. After asking Ye Jie, Ye Jie too, didn't know where did Jun Wu Yao go while the black cat aside looked slightly worried.

"Little Black." Jun Wu Xie suddenly spoke.

"Meow?" The black cat seemed to be thinking of something, causing it to be in a trance after Jun Wu Xie called its name.

"Was Wu Yao the one who saved me just now?" Looking at the black cat, it seemed like Jun Wu Xie was asking a question but she had actually gotten the answer in her mind.