A Strange Person (3)

After the medicine was fed into Jun Wu Xie's mouth, that person stepped aside and the veins that had spread all over Jun Wu Xie's body faded down miraculously...

While looking at Jun Wu Xie, Rong Ruo felt a wave of relief as her tightened heartstrings relaxed.

"I did not lie to you," That person said.

Jun Wu Yao slightly nodded his head.


"That's nothing. The enemy of my enemy is my friend," That person said jauntily.

Little by little, the condition of Jun Wu Xie got better. She had also regained the colour in her face as the pain began to fade away. The moment Jun Wu Xie opened her eyes, she looked in the direction of Jun Wu Yao. After she noticed that she was still holding Jun Wu Yao's hand, only then did the anxiousness in her eyes disappear.