The Psychic Force (2)

Jun Wu Xie lifted her head up in surprise and looked at the woman's eyes that were filled with affability. After hesitating for a while, she asked. "Can I?"

The woman nodded her head.

"If you guys aren't in a hurry, you may stay here for a few days," said the woman.

Jun Wu Xie looked at Jun Wu Yao.

Jun Wu Yao then gave her a pampering smile.

"It's alright for us to stay for a few days, we're not in a hurry."

The Sea Spirit Beast hunting ships from the Upper Realm probably wouldn't go far away from them for these few days. Getting some rest in the island would do good in staggering both their sailing hours. And of course, it was mainly because of Jun Wu Xie who wanted to stay.

A trace of a smile went across Jun Wu Xie's eyes.