Despicable Enemy (1)

Zi Fei also realized that her emotions were out of control, so she found a topic and covered the past. They had not thought that they would talk about these things and thus felt somewhat helpless.

Right then, outside the barrier of the safe haven, a giant Sea Spirit Beast suddenly came over and was constantly slamming against the barrier with its body, making a dull sound.

The sound echoed within the safe haven. It was loud as the thunder!

ZI Fei's eyes sharpened instantly. She stood up with a woosh and her figure turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the impacted barrier.

When the Sea Spirit Beast, who was hitting against the barrier, saw Zi Fei, it suddenly stopped, as its huge body continually rolled in the sea, as if trying to send some message to Zi Fei!

"Damn it." a low curse was uttered by Zi Fei.

She suddenly lifted her longbow, turned around and walked outside.